
Friday, 8 November 2013

Largest Training Yet!

                    I am proud to announce that today we have held our largest training yet! With over 10 soldiers attending, we are growing at a nice steady rate with a large influx of members joining. Our members are doing a great job to help spread the word about our glorious commonwealth and recruit for it.As well as that, I am currently writing up the rules and guidelines of our military, which will shortly be posted here and on the ROBLOX forums. Here are some pictures from the training.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

We are growing!

              I am pleased to say that we are growing at a decent rate for now, with a nice amount of active members. We have been holding multiple training's recently with our troops performing very well. I believe our military will be prepared for war by the end of the week. As well as that I am seeing that our soldiers properly disciplined and are not speaking in line without permission, etc. Here are some pictures from our latest training exercise.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

The Island of Malabo - Progress Report

                        Hello again, I am pleased to announce that marcinwojnapl is continuing to work upon our first colony, the Island of Malabo. Although he does not have a confirmed release date for the Island, he believes it will be finished within a week. Here are some pictures taken from the game.

          The progress reports is as follows :

Terrain : 100%
Fort : 70%
City : 50%
Scripts : 70 %

Saturday, 2 November 2013

First Advertisements Being Developed!

            Currently I am working on our first batch of advertisements for our new group, The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. We expect to have them done later today or tomorrow morning. However we are still unsure of where we can expect to receive tickets from to help fund and run our advertising campaigns on the site. Here is what I have come up with so far.

Friday, 1 November 2013

The First Batch of Uniforms has been Released!

                   As of yesterday, our first batch of shirts and pants have been released for our citizens and soldiers of the commonwealth.  More can be expected to arrive soon enough. If you are interested in purchasing any of this clothing it is located in our group shop.

                         Also, our first purchasable title is available, for only a small fee of 750 tickets, you can now proudly call yourself a Patrician of the most serene and noble Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth.